Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Townhall Meeting on the Next SLU President

The contributing editors of the Heithaus Haven invite all to a Townhall meeting on the next SLU president.

Please join us:  Friday, 10 May 2013, 3:00-5:00 pm, Carlo Auditorium, Tegler Hall, Saint Louis University

The meeting will have as its frame of reference the mission statement of Saint Louis University. All are welcome.

Some things are known.  In particular, the leadership literature includes a very standard list of traits that are desirable in a leader. We surely want a president who has these standard traits: trustworthiness: the ability to exhibit that one is reliable and dependable; self-control: the ability to exhibit a calm demeanor; empathy, likability, adeptness in relationships: the ability to exhibit concern for others; creativity: the ability to overcome challenges and adapt to novel circumstances; focused clarity: the ability to multitask and return to task after interruption;persuasiveness: the ability to motivatate; effectiveness: the ability to execute and get things accomplished; honesty, etc.

Other things are unknown and must be discerned by our community.  Should the next president be a Jesuit?  Should we have a compressed search for a candidate that can lead us through the bicentennial in 2018?  Should we have a long search for a candidate who can lead the institution for a long period, perhaps 20+ years?

Please join us to help us consider these questions, and to offer questions of your own.